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What is the IoT Hidden Menu and How to Install It?

IoT is a short form of the “Internet of Things” and it can be found in a handsome range of physical as well as stand-alone gadgets. The major role of IoT is to transfer or exchange data from one device to another with the help of the Internet.

In the current world of tangible things, it allows the development of Internet connectivity and many other things, such as analytics and data processing. It also enables the user to connect with global information. All of this is done without the need for a screen or a keyboard. Besides, many items around us on a daily basis can get instructions from this network with the least amount of human help.

What is the IoT Hidden Menu Settings?

It’s absolutely true that you can go and find different themes to customize your gadget the way you like. You can change icons like Ultrabook Battery, MyComputer, Recycle, and others on your laptop, but there are only a small number of users in the world who actually know how to customize the User Interface of a smartphone.

Almost all Android smartphones come with this feature, you’ll need to make some effort to explore the settings to make changes. Not only can you make changes in the user interface, but you can also find a wide range of hidden strings of codes. They are usually called “Easter Eggs” and are considered a part of your phone’s software or operating system. Developers don’t feel it is mandatory to let users know about these options.

What is the System UI Tuner?

Until recently, developers were not aware of the Android phone’s hidden secret menu called IoT. However, it was published later for tech geeks to find.

Instead of the IoT hidden menu settings, it’s known as the System UI Tuner. This system can be used to customize different things, such as app alerts, lock screens, and clocks. This system is available above Android Marshmallow or version 6.0.

How to Activate System UI Tuner?

We have already discussed the System UI Tuner above, and now let’s have a look at how to unlock or activate this feature.

  • First of all, open up your smartphone and go to settings.
  • After landing in the settings, look for the System UI Tuner.
  • Now that all of this has been accomplished. Changing the theme of your device and displaying the battery level on your screen is now possible.
  • Hours, minutes, and seconds can be shown on your clock.
  • It is also possible to alter the volume button so that it may be used for DND.
  • In addition, there will be a menu option for controlling Power Notifications. A total of five distinct levels are available, each with its own unique features.

How to Get Access to the IoT Hidden Menu?

Now let’s have a look at the step-by-step guide to get access to this IoT hidden menu below:

Step 1

Unlock your phone and go to the home screen. Long-press anywhere on the screen and you’ll see an option to “Add to Home Screen.”

Step 2

Tap “Add to Home Menu” and after that, tap on “Shortcuts”

Slide-down to activities and find something named “hidden menu” (on many devices, it’s called menu)

Tap the menu and here you go. You will start to see all of your phone’s hidden menus. You are all set to access any of them with ease.

Note: You can go through this process even if your phone is charging. However, this cannot be the case with other gadgets, such as laptops, as experts always suggest avoiding performing any actions during charging your laptop via an AC Adapter.

Finishing this off by saying that we have discussed the IoT hidden menu in detail alongside the process of how to get access to it. This menu can play a vital role in making your phone a lot better. Do share your opinion in the comments section below if this guide finds you well.