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How to Make a Twitter Page Thrive?

By itself, promotion on Twitter implies a certain set of rules and tools that together bring excellent results to an entrepreneur or an influencer. However, the ways to attract an audience change at lightning speed, so in order to be able to form a large fan base and achieve amazing statistical results, you need to use only those tools that are relevant now.

It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting a commercial (business, expert, etc.) or a personal account (blogger, in other words), from time to time you need additional support for content to improve its visibility and popularity. That’s why we decided to create a short promotion guide and share the most effective ways that you should know. You can use each of the tips at any stage of promotion, and this is great news for both beginners and those who have been tweeting for a long time. Keep reading!

1. Polls and Paid Votes

What can make users stop and express their opinion? Polls, of course! Twitter is a platform where people exchange thoughts, give advice and regularly read recommendations. That’s why they really like polls,  they can learn about other people’s thoughts and choices and share their opinions. Engagement is the right path to success, so if you aim to improve this level and make your page flourish, start creating surveys on various topics.

If you have few subscribers and low activity, but you want to make your polls popular and attract new readers through it, contact specialized advertising companies for third-party support. You can buy Twitter poll votes, that is, you’ll see the result immediately and start promoting your tweets to a wide audience. By the way, paid votes are also nice for entrepreneurs who need to get a certain result, for example, if you’ve created a poll about your new clothing collection or about professionalism in your niche. This way you can form the right opinion about the brand and show it in the best light – users trust surveys.

2. Tweet Regularly 

If you’ve just started your online journey, you probably cannot predict at what time your target audience is online – this is not surprising, because at the initial stage your page is empty and fresh. Moreover, there is still no reliable data on what time to upload new posts so that they become visible and attract users. You should also understand that people check the feed at different times, so not all of them will see your posts overnight.

Therefore, whatever it is, without experimentation, you won’t be able to find the perfect time. We recommend that you start small, but don’t forget about the regularity of your publications: start posting new messages in the morning, afternoon and evening and analyze the dynamics and level of engagement. At the moment, this is the most reliable way to find out when your target audience is online.

3. Don’t Copy Others

Over the past 2-3 years, users of the platform have become much more selective: they don’t consume all the information that modern bloggers offer them. They also don’t follow creators who become like someone else or just copy tweets. That’s why you need to stay yourself. Don’t strive to become like very popular influencers, believe us, their style and messages are recognizable, and subscribers will immediately understand that you tried to deceive them. Better arm yourself with your creative skills and the ability to joke in order to achieve fame and become an equally famous blogger.

Keep in mind that you can be inspired by someone else’s messages to create your own content. But here we need a golden mean, so that after a while you don’t become a “copy”.

4. Upload Videos 

Video marketing is a working promotion tactic that is becoming more popular and effective every day. According to statistics, more than 80% of users watch clips and respond to them more often than to other publications. Moreover, native videos are becoming more popular. This means that the best option is to publish clips directly to the platform and not share videos from TikTok, YouTube, and so on. You can do this too, but it’s better to pay attention to native clips. 

At the same time, regardless of your niche, you can participate in various video challenges and add trends, for example, show “before/after”, behind-the-scenes life or share the results for the last year. Try these ideas!

5. Add Hashtags 

Hashtags are keywords through which algorithms rank content and offer your content to the target audience. Focus on this for the first time: find your competitors and see what tags they use, or analyze popular niche questions and the words that are included in them. With this information, you’ll be able to select 1-3 tags and use them to improve the level of engagement. We wish you success!