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What are Pulumi and Terraform and How Do They Differ?

When you have to decide whether to use Pulumi or Terraform, anyone can get stuck for a while because both infrastructure-as-code tools bring something valuable to the table. The appropriate way to decide is to conduct a comparison. To make the decision easier for you, here’s one has already done for you:

Introduction to Pulumi

Pulumi is an open-source infrastructure-as-code tool that uses programming languages for simplifying the process of provisioning as well as managing cloud resources.

It was founded in 2017, enabling the organization to use real programming languages for cloud-native infrastructure. Terraform uses priority language and syntax whereas Pulumi uses real languages. This means you can write the configuration files in TypeScript, Python, or JavaScript. You don’t have to learn a new language for managing the infrastructure.

How Does It Work?

The Pulumi system comprises of three components:

Language Host

It runs the program for creating an environment and registering resources with the deployment engine.

Deployment Engine

It’s responsible for checking and performing computations to determine if you should be creating, deleting, updating, or replicating resources.

Resource Provider

It downloads plugins and packages in the background according to the specs of the cloud provider and your language.

Why Use Pulumi?

Check out the compelling reasons to use Pulumi:


As mentioned earlier, you can use your favorite programming language for writing infrastructure configuration files. No need to learn a new language.

Cloud Object Model

Its cloud object model provides a detailed overview of how the program is constructed. You can manage the cloud software from any cloud provider and any location.


No need for copying and pasting thousands of lines of code. Rely on Pulumi for reusing the existing code across different projects. This code defines the entire architecture.

Introduction to Terraform

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code. It was created by HashiCorp. You can say it’s a declarative coding tool that allows developers to use HCL configuration for describing the end state cloud or on-premises infrastructure to run an app. Then, it generates a plan for reaching the end state and executing the plan for provisioning the infrastructure.

It uses simple syntax for provisioning infrastructure across multiple clouds and on-premises data centers. Currently, it’s the most in-demand infrastructure automation tool. An organization that’s planning to deploy a multi-cloud environment needs to get familiar with Terraform. However, go with a replacement battery choose the best brand batter for long-life performance. 

How Does It Work?

To get started, you must install Terraform on your AWS and start writing the code in HCL. You can write the code in any text editor. With this tool, you will be able to build, change, and enhance the infrastructure effectively and safely. It’s not easy to learn but once you nail the commands, you will be able to make infrastructure changes like a pro.

Why Use Terraform?

Here are some reasons to Terraform:

  • It’s Open Source

This open-source tool is backed by large communities of contributors who specialize in building plugins. You can readily find extensions, plugins, and professional support.

  • Platform Agnostic

Terraform can be used with any cloud service provider.

  • Immutable Infrastructure

It provisions immutable infrastructure. This means that whenever the environment changes, the current configuration is replaced with a new one. You can also retain previous configurations as versions for enabling rollbacks whenever needed.

How Are These Different from One Another?

Here are the major differences between the two:

  • In order to use Terraform, you must learn a new customer language just to write codes. Pulumi, on the other hand, gives you the freedom to use the language that you know and love. Choose any starting from C#, TypeScript, Go, Python, or JavaScript. Always Choose the best laptop with an Ac adapter for better performance.
  • When you are using a familiar language, you get to use familiar constructions. This saves time and reduces boilerplate. You simply have to follow the best practices. With Pulumi, you can leverage the existing management and packaging techniques.
  • With Terraform, you can manage concurrency by way of the state files. Pulumi, on the contrary, uses free services for eliminating such concerns. Because of this, it’s easy to get started with Pulumi. You can also use it without service, where it works similar to Terraform. However, it’s harder to opt-in.
  • Extensive support for cloud-native technologies is available when it comes to Pulumi. It also supports advanced deployment scenarios which cannot be expressed with Terraform.

Why Not Use Both Pulumi and Terraform Together?

It’s also a great idea to use Pulumi and Terraform together. Pulumi offers support in consuming local/remote Terraform states. It also assists in incremental adoption allow you to manage a subset of infrastructure with Terraform. You may move to Pulumi incrementally.

For example, you may write the VPC in Terraform for maybe because your team prefers using it now and make a shift later. You can make a co-existence of both these tools for automation.


You would thoroughly check Cincinnati Bell Internet pricing before signing up for the plan, right? So it’s recommended to do the same due diligence before choosing Pulumi or Terraform for your organization. Don’t forget to take the input of your team. They need to be comfortable with the tool before you start using it.